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WSLR+Fogartyville Board Meeting Agenda October 21, 2024

Written by on Friday, October 18, 2024

 WSLR+Fogartyville Board Meeting Agenda

October 21, 2024 6:00 PM at Fogartyville

ZOOM LINK:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88382328237?pwd=ZFAwdWJWYStFais1bVpkeHVONGN4Zz09

Meeting ID: 883 8232 8237

Passcode: 945232

One tap mobile

+13052241968,,88382328237#,,,,*945232# US

+16465588656,,88382328237#,,,,*945232# US (New York)



Please note that we are using a “Consent Agenda” to address our routine business. This will be moved and voted on as one motion.


Written Committee Reports and the Management Report are a reflection of activity that has transpired since our last meeting. It is critical that Board Members read all reports prior to the meeting and become familiar with their content. 



  • Come Prepared to Participate Fully
  • Allow everyone who wishes to speak to do so before anyone speaks again
  • Stay on Task and follow the agenda
  • Make decisions and record votes
  • Encourage participation
  • Be mindful of “air time”
  • “Call for a Literacy Moment” when a phrase or acronym is not understood


The meeting will adjourn at or before 7:30. Please budget your time so that you can be available for the entire meeting.




  1. Welcome to Guests & Introduction of Board Members



Approval of Agenda 

Approval of Minutes from September 2024 meeting

Committee Reports

Programming Committee Report – Sebastien

Fund Development Report – Paul

(Finance Committee did not convene in October due to lack of a quorum.)

(Governance Committee did not convene in October.)

Vote on approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Treasurer Report – Stan

4.. 2024/2025 Board Focus & Goals – Paul

  1. General Manager’s Report – Jesse


  1. Old Business

Ratify all acts of the Board for the past year – Paul

Foundation Report – Paul

People’s Patio Proposal Follow Up – Jesse


  1. New Business

Approve New Signers for Bayfirst, Achieva, & Suncoast Accounts – Jesse

By-Laws Review/Possible Updates – Paul

Nominations and election of new Board Members – Dale?

Election of Board Officers – Dale?

Schedule New Board Member Orientation / Review Board Committees


  1. Public Comment
  2. Future Dates and Outreach Opportunities:


  1. Motion to Adjourn