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Author: Tom Walker

Page: 20

This Wednesday, November 18, from 9-10am, Dan Callaghan and Dennis Plews from the Florida Veterans for Common Sense will preview their upcoming radio show about veteran affairs and also help Bob and me recruit new WSLR members on this FINAL DAY of our membership drive. Donate now or call ‭(941) 894-6469‬ during the show and […]

On Wednesday November 11 at 9am our first guest was Arlene Sweeting, cofounder of WSLR+Fogartyville. Arlene talked about the 15 year history of WSLR and Fogartyville. You can listen at archive.wslr.org, but, even better, you can hear it and see her slides by going to the WSLR+Fogartyville Facebook page. On the second half of our […]

This Wednesday, November 4 at 9am we’ll have Stan Zimmerman and Dennis “Mitch” Maley live, discussing the election results so far. We’ll talk about local, county, state and national races and take comments and questions via text to the studio line ‭(941) 954-8636‬. Stan is a retired journalist after 45 years on deadline in radio, […]

This Wednesday, October 28 from 9-10am we’ll discuss the upcoming elections. But first we’ll have a brief report from Sarasota Supervisor of Elections Ron Turner about the voter turnout so far and the arrangements for safe voting. Then we’ll have two New College professors who will give their views on the current political situation. Dr. […]

This Wednesday, October 21 at 9am, our first guests were Sophia Moundous and Andrea Pinabell talking about the Sarasota County 15th Annual Sustainable Communities Workshop – “Transforming to New Ways Forward.” This virtual workshop will discuss “a variety of up-to-date sustainability topics presented by expert speakers. This online event will be held 9 a.m. to 4 […]

Our first guest this Wednesday, October 14 at 9am, was a previous guest, Carl Dix. Carl is a founding member, and a representative, of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. Carl writes: We’re in an extremely dangerous and momentous period – and facing a rolling fascist coup with one Trump assault after another (e.g., Barr announced the DOJ […]

Our guest on the Peace & Justice Report on Wednesday, October 7 at 9am, was Donn Scott, statewide Campaign for Justice Organizer for the ACLU of Florida. We talked about the new report on the Cost of School Policing, and what Florida’s students have paid for a pretense of security. If you’d like to hear […]

On Wednesday, September 30 at 9am, our first guest was Patti Brigham, President of the Florida League of Women Voters. We talked about the six constitutional amendments which are on your Florida ballot. The League’s position is that only Amendment 2 – $15 Minimum Wage – deserves a “YES.” On the other five, they recommend […]

On Wednesday, September 23rd at 9am, we talked to Chuck Collins of the Institute for Policy Studies and their program on Inequality and the Common Good. We talked about his areas of concern: dynasty trusts, estate taxes, hidden wealth, inequality, offshore taxes, philanthropy, progressive populism, the racial wealth gap, tax reform, and tax subsidies. Be […]

This Wednesday our first guest will be Amy Weintraub from Progress Florida on the new requirement in Florida for parental consent for abortion. Florida law requires a parent to give permission if a young person under 18 years old is trying to get an abortion. Most young people talk to their parents when they need an […]