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Author: Tom Walker

Page: 35

This Wednesday we’ll have local activist Juliana Musheyev on the show talking about the People’s Congress of Resistance. From their website, congressofresistance.org: In the face of the assault waged against working class and poor communities and the environment by the Trump Administration a grassroots People’s Congress of Resistance will convene in Washington, D.C. on September […]

This Wednesday Jan Schneider will be with us talking  about the Senate  healthcare bill.  She has read the draft text! Jan is a former candidate for Congress and graduate of Yale law. On the second half of the show we’ll have Sarasota resident Jeffrey Orenstein who’ll  talk about his new PAC Stand Up 4 Democracy and its goal […]

This Wednesday at 9 a.m. we’ll get a report from Deanie Bergbreiter and Arlene Sweeting on the People’s Summit which was held in Chicago June 9-11. The summit included plenary and workshop sessions devoted to key issues such as the Fight for 15, mass incarceration and criminal justice reform, voting rights and expanding democratic participation, a […]

This Wednesday Sarasota resident Jeffrey Orenstein will talk about his new PAC Stand Up 4 Democracy and its goal of raising money from small member donations in order to elect  progressives to Congress and the state legislature. Jeffrey is a former political science professor and has written such books as Fixing American Government: Ending Gridlock […]

Today we had Rhonda Ryan from Sarasota Bay Watch and Jana Hoefling from Stand Up Fight Back SRQ talking about plastics and the meeting TONIGHT at 6pm at Fogartyville “Rethinking plastic – unfortunately, recycling is not enough.” Several experts, from fields including biology (Mote Marine) and nutrition (our own Eve Plews) will talk about plastic. […]

Project 180 was founded in response to the overwhelming need for prisoner reentry programs. Over 30,000 Florida prisoners are released annually and reenter our communities. Many wish to become law-abiding citizens and have the best intention of living a conventional life yet most have few job skills, lack a formal education, and experience discrimination in […]

Wednesday at 9 a.m. we’ll have in the studio Hon. Larry Eger, 12th Judicial Circuit Public Defender, talking about the inequalities of our money bail system. Did you know The United States and the Philippines are the only countries with a for-profit bail industry. As of 2016, there are 646,000 people locked up in more than 3,000 local […]

This Wednesday local activist Harriet Hendel will be in studio and Seth Miller of The Innocence Project of Florida will call in to discuss their ongoing efforts to help innocent prisoners obtain their freedom. There will be a benefit performance this coming Saturday, 4/29/17,  at Florida Studio Theatre of “The Exonerated.” Bob will also play […]

This Wednesday Ben Vereen and local activist Becky Taylor of Family Promise  will talk about efforts to help the homeless, and then Chris Mahon  will tell us about the March for Science here and across the country on April 22.

Earth Day is April 22, so for our Peace & Justice Report this Wednesday, April 12 at 9 a.m., Dr. Harold Wanless of the University of Miami will talk about sea level rise due to  climate change. And he’ll be speaking on the same subject at USF on April 18. We’ll also talk to Bill […]