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Peace & Justice 9AM Weds. Oct 18 – People’s Congress of Resistance and FL Veterans for Common Sense

Written by on Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Join us for the beginning of the WSLR FALL MEMBERSHIP DRIVE! We’ll take your calls and also talk to Diane Desenberg about her experience at the People’s Congress of Resistance this September in Washington, D.C.

Also tomorrow Gene Jones will talk about the work of the Florida Veterans for Common Sense. Gene writes in his latest email:

The military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about is now so powerful that it is hardly challenged. A few voices crying from wilderness like FLVCS speak out. In general, the fraud, waste, and abuse at the Pentagon and perpetual war are ignored by most politicians and our fellow citizens. Why do our fellow citizens fail to understand that because of the ‘forever wars’ and wasteful Pentagon spending our standing of living goes down and America is made weaker? 

What has been accomplished in Afghanistan? There has only been suffering and destruction, a re-run of Vietnam’s light at the end of the tunnel. https://ericmargolis.com/2017/09/the-vietnam-nightmare-again/
and we’re extending our military reach–for what purpose?
And, the waste, fraud, and abuse only gets worse.

We all must do something to make change. Write a letter to the editor, post on social media, contact your congressman, and President Trump, tell your friends. Otherwise, the death, blood, destruction, and waste simply grinds on without accomplishing much of anything. 

On November 8 we’ll talk to Roy Bourgeois, an American activist, a laicized Roman Catholic priest, and the founder of the human rights group School of the Americas Watch (SOA Watch).[1] He is the recipient of the 2011 American Peace Award[2] and also has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.  See http://www.soaw.org.