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On Wednesday,, July 26 we’ll first talk to Michael Blake, DNC Vice Chair, who’ll talk about voter suppression,  voter protection and also about the healthcare votes taking place this week in the Senate. Next we’ll interview Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of the Jubilee USA Network  Jubilee USA is an alliance of more than 75 US organizations […]

While The Surreal News is a trustworthy source of some news, it is not the only the one on the web and radio to offer unbiased information.  Another good source of news is Politicus USA, whose executive editor and founder Jason  Easley (above) will join Steve and Lew this week to talk about his news […]

Lounge, Cocktail, Exotica, Bachelor pad, and Space Age POP.  Host Elissa Bello. Relax, Recline and Restore.

This weeks song list starts with mellower electric blues then into some acoustic then I’ll play a 6 song set of Muddy Waters then finish off the show with an hour of different styles and representations of “The Blues”. Thank you for your interest and remember you can call the studio during the broadcast (941-954-8636) […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead, Ventura County Fairgrounds, Ventura, CA July 17, 1982 (FOB) Sennheiser 421 -> Cassette Master Recorded By Jim Wise All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller The first line in the Taper’s Compendium(reviewed by local Deadhead Andy Lemieux) sstates: “These shows in the dry and dusty […]

Surreal News Fridays from 9 to 10 am  with Steve and Bill this week features award winning journalist for The Nation  Amy Wilentz on Jared Kurshner and Trump Jr. Also featured is Free Press on the July 12 Protest to protect Net Neutrality plus under reported news items.

New Music. Old Music. Comedy. Drama. Intrigue. Drugs. Alcohol. Religion. Reality TV. Two hours to cover all this and more, starting today at 4:00p on Tuesday Drive Home. Be sure to tune in!

Lalia Abdelaziz from fightforthefuture.org will talk with us about their missions, one of which  is to ensure that the web continues to hold freedom of expression and creativity at its core. “We seek to expand the internet’s transformative power for good, to preserve and enhance its capacity to enrich and empower. We envision a world where […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead, JFK Stadium, Philadelphia, PA, July 10, 1987 SBD + AUD Matrix 2 Source Mix(50%-SBD/50%-AUD) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller Original SBD: SBD > Cassette Master > CD Original AUD: AUD: Nakamichi CM-700’s > patched from one Sony D5 > Sony TC-D5M > Maxell […]

Last week at a White House press conference,  a reporter stood up for the First Amendment and the Fourth Estate by challenging White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders assertion that the press was the enemy and only told lies. Brian Karem (above), Washington correspondent for the Montgomery County Sentinel, a daily newspaper based in Rockville, […]