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“Dadeeo’s Collector’s Corner”, covered by Mark Binder, Sunday, October 2nd, 1-3pm Eastern:

Written by on Saturday, October 1, 2016


“Dadeeo’s Collector’s Corner”, covered by Mark Binder
Sunday, October 2nd, 1-3pm Eastern:

Join me while I sit for Dadeeo while he’s up north visiting family.

As you know, Dadeeo goes from way back to almost the turn of the last century, to sometimes
right up to the present, but always playing jazz, swing, big band, blues, and pop.

This week’s featured artists are: Benny Goodman(8/24/37); Louis Jordan and the Tympany
5(‘43-’45): Frank Sinatra with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra(9/11/45); Dizzy Gillespie and
Charlie Parker(9/20/’47); Billy Holiday with Stan Getz(10/29/51); Louis Armstrong All
Stars(10/4/52); The 1956 Jazz At The Philharmonic All Stars(2/29/56); Art Blakey and the Jazz

Mark Binder, Programmer
(941)954-8636 direct to the programmer.
Community Radio WSLR 96.5 FM, Sarasota

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