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An important Supreme Court case, then a lawsuit against the FL abortion ban, on Peace & Justice, Wednesday, December 14 at 9am

Written by on Sunday, December 11, 2022

“The most important case for American democracy” in the nation’s history — that’s how the former appeals court judge J. Michael Luttig described Moore v. Harper, an extraordinary lawsuit that the Supreme Court considered in oral arguments Wednesday morning. Judge Luttig, a conservative and a widely respected legal thinker, is not one for overstatement. Yet most Americans aren’t paying attention to the case because it involves some confusing terminology and an arcane legal theory. It is essential that people understand just how dangerous this case is to the fundamental structure of American government, and that enough justices see the legal fallacies and protect our democracy. (NYTimes, Dec. 9)

Cecile Scoon, President of the League of Women Voters of Florida, will be with us Wednesday to explain this important case!

On the second half of our program, we’ll hear about the local Quaker meeting, Religious Society of Friends of Sarasota, which joined a lawsuit originally filed by Rabbi Barry Silver and his Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor in Boynton Beach against the anti-abortion law signed by Governor DeSantis. Eva Hersh of the Friends monthly meeting and Rabbi Silver will explain the lawsuit. The plaintiffs are challenging the law because they believe the state is infringing on their religious freedom. Religious resistance against anti-abortion laws is an unusual angle.