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This Wednesday June 20 at 9am – Veterans for Peace

Written by on Monday, June 18, 2018

From Common Dreams:

A national veterans’ organization is weighing in on this year’s Emmy awards with a full-page ad in Variety, saying Ken Burns and Lynne Novick’s “Vietnam War” series does not deserve a “Best Documentary” award.

Veterans For Peace (VFP), headquartered in St. Louis, with 175 chapters in the U.S. and six overseas, will run the Variety ad prior to the awards on September 17, to generate discussion about the series and the lasting impact it will have if “crowned with an Emmy.”
The ad says that because “The Emmy Award is a powerful recognition of truth in art,” Emmy judges are asked to consider whether, “In this war-torn world, what is desperately needed – but what Burns and Novick fail to convey – is an honest rendering of that war to help the American people avoid yet more catastrophic wars.”
The ad identifies what it considers the fundamental flaw of the PBS series: Burns and Novick “assert at the beginning that the war ‘was begun in good faith by decent people, out of fateful misunderstandings.’”  Questioned about this in a New York Times interview, Burns admitted that might have been “too generous to our leaders,” but he stuck by it.
We’ll talk to Doug Rawlings, one of the founders of Veterans for Peace, and whom they call their poet laureate. 
In the second half of the show we’ll have in studio Olivia Babis, a peer mentor at Suncoast Center for Independent Living and also a candidate for Florida State Senate District 23. See a Herald-Tribune article here.