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“Yesterday’s Dead Today”, Monday, July 5th, 7-9pm Eastern

Written by on Sunday, July 4, 2021

“EVERYONE is a Deadhead…some of you may not know it yet…”

Grateful Dead
Zoo Amphitheatre, Oklahoma City, OK
July 5, 1981
SBD > Master Cassette > Reel > Dat
Transferred and edited by Charlie Miller:
Encore patched from Nak 700>Cm>Dat>CD

A very detailed, well-balanced recording! Instrument separation is perfect! And, they are VERY

Disc 1 – Set 1:
1. Shakedown Street >
2. The Promised Land
3. Candyman
4. Cassidy
5. Brown Eyed Women >
6. C C Rider
7. They Love Each Other
8. Mama Tried >
9. Mexicali Blues

Disc 2 – Set 1 cont’d.:
1. Althea >
2. Let It Grow

Set 2:
3. Samson And Delilah
4. Don’t Ease Me In >
5. The Music Never Stopped
6. Ship of Fools

Disc 3 – Set 2 cont’d.:
1. Lost Sailor >
2. Saint Of Circumstance >
3. He’s Gone >
4. Drums >
5. Space >
6. The Other One >
7. Stella Blue >
8. Around & Around >
9. Johnny B. Goode

10. U.S. Blues

REVIEW: First Show
My first Show. Didn’t know many songs of theirs when I got there but it changed my life. Hard for me
to compare the show to anything else. Shakedown opened the show and I still think it’s a great version.
C. C. Rider is splendid here too. I remember people dancing with the trees and the trees dancing with
the people during Mexicali. Before the show, on July 5, it was so hot and no clouds in the sky, but one.
That little Cloud drifted right over the audience and rained and cooled everybody down. Everybody
was looking at each other wanting to ask if it really happened, but no one did. I still don’t know if it
really happened. My girlfriend at the time had huge hooters and was not wearing a bra. The looks she
got were priceless. I became a Dead Head that day.

REVIEW: Very Cool Groove!
This show has that and then some! Catch the “Hard to Handle” groove in the ‘Shakedown’ jam. Lesh is
all over it. Thank you, Charlie Miller!

REVIEW: Enjoyable
Highlights: Brown Eyed Women

REVIEW: First Set Jerry is tearing it up!
Jerry is totally in the present, and playing with intension!
As such, this soundboard (with Jerry vocal dropouts in Shakedown, unfortunately) is killer. The first
set grabbed my attention, but its all good…perhaps second set is just not as stunningly so!

REVIEW: well balanced SBD band is on
Yet another great SBD via Charlie Miller mahalo!

REVIEW: crispy!
Exceptional sound quality… Jerry’s guitar is pristine and his playing matches. First set captured my
attention before I knew what was happening. And, of course Charlie Miller does a great job with…
whatever it is he does to spin magic! but it does start with a great board and a focussed tight band… 5
stahs! for the soundboard quality!

Reviews from other recordings:
REVIEW: Great show
Enjoyable show.
Jerry flubs some of the words in Shakedown other then that the musicianship is tight.
I am just gettin into 79 through 82 smokin stuff … lovin the long shows and Bretts back-ups.

REVIEW: tha zoo!!
my 2nd show… dad asked me what i wanted for my b-day…this was it!! what a beautiful da too… it
was kinda hot but not too bad…like ok can be. we flew in from sn frn airport.. and the bandwas just
goin on when we got there..whew what a rush.. mabey 4000 ppl.. good times!!!
they rocked!!! chek this set out!! a great time was had by all!!! phil and brendt are on fire..

REVIEW: Killer Shakedown IMO…..
Smoove and silky……almost Stronger Than Dirt….just tasty! HA!

REVIEW: a jet to the promised land..
music playing band so something has to give which is lyrics at times. cut the boys some slack they are
riding the lightning!

REVIEW: This Show Rocks!
Out of all of the shows I saw through the Mid-West. This one was the best. Jerry hit the ground
running and never stopped. Not a bad version of any tune here.

REVIEW: Rockin’ show in OKC
The boys at my homestate, and they didnt dissapoint. The show kicks ass. Check it out, this show is
very under-rated.

REVIEW: Underrated Show
This show does not get enough love IMHO. The Zoo Amph was a real nice setting for a Dead show, a
smallish (6-7,000 Capacity) surrounded by large trees with re clay underfoot.

REVIEW: a tasty treat from the early eighties
Jerry smokes it on quite a few highlights, Bobby has hits his stride on a kick ass CC Rider early in and
the rhythm is there throughout both sets keeping it all churning forward!


“Today’s Dead Tomorrow”, Upcoming Gig Events
As always, verify with the venue…

Remember, folks, to call the venue to see if they are indeed open in the first place, and the event is going on as scheduled, and what protocols are in place.

Kettle Of Fish:
Stottlemyer’s Smokehouse, Sun., July 11th, 4:00 p.m.
19 East Rd., Sarasota, 312-5969

Dana Lawrence:
Captain Curt’s, Wed., July 7th, 12:00 p.m.
1200 Old Stickney Point Rd., Sarasota, 349-3885

Siesta Key Oyster Bar, Thurs., July 8th, 2:00 p.m.
5238 Ocean Blvd, Sarasota, 346-5443

Pop’s Sunset Grill, Sat., July 10th, 5:00 p.m.
112 Circuit Road, Nokomis, 488-3177

Michael Miller and Sammy B. Warren:
Tamiami Tap, Fri., July 9th, 7:00 p.m.
711 S. Osprey Ave., Sarasota, 500-3182

Café In The Park, Fri., July 9th, 7:30 p.m.
2010 Adams Lane, Sarasota, 361-3032

Schmitz Brothers Band:
Eagles Aerie #3482 Nokomis, Fri., July 9th, 7:00 p.m.
621 Colonia Ln. E., Nokomis, 484-4701

Ship Of Fools:
Le Barge Tropical Cruises, Fri., July 9th, 10:00 p.m. – 12:30 a.m. Sat.
Bay Front Park, Sarasota, 366-6116

Motorworks Brewing, Sun., July 11th, 3:00 – 7:00 p.m.
1014 9th St. W., Bradenton, 896-9892

The Blue Rooster:
Wed., July 7th, Al Fuller Blues Jam, 7:30 – 10:30 p.m.
Thurs., July 8th, Tom Craig, 7:30 – 10:30 p.m.
Fri., July 9th, Ariella Music(Ari and the Alibis), 8:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Sat., July 10th, Greg Poulos & Friends, 8:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Sun., July 11th, Truality Sunday Brunch, 11:45 a.m. & 1:15 p.m.
1525 Fourth St., Sarasota, 388-7539

J.R.’s Old Packinghouse Cafe:
Mon., July 5th, Alvis Brothers Band, 600 – 9:00 p.m.
Tues., July 6th, Steve Paradis, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Wed., Junly 7th, Doug Burns, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Thurs., July 8th, Jami Gee, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Fri., July 9th, Gracie Maple and The White Crowe Band, 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Sat., July 10th, Fancy Larry & the Plain Jaynes, 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
987 South Packinghouse Road, Sarasota, 371-9358


“Yesterday’s Dead Today”, on WSLR and WBPV, is supported by you, our listeners, as well as by:

Old Packinghouse Café:
South-of-the-Border complimenting southern dinners in a down-home, friendly atmosphere. Live music Monday through Saturday.
987 South Packinghouse Road. 371-9358

The Retallick Financial Group
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(941)309-5136 www.retallickfinancial.com

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2635 Mall Drive, Sarasota. 923-2096 www.Rocketmanshop.com

WSLR-LP 96.5 FM Sarasota, Community Radio
and WBPV-LP 100.1 FM Bradenton