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Author: Lew Lorini

Page: 12

David Cobb (above) a former presidential candidate and longtime activist advocating for the limit of the influence of money in politics will be joining Steve and Lew to update us on the Move to Amend movement. That grassroots effort seeks to overturn the Supreme Court Citizen’s United decision, which opened the flood gates of corporate […]

Joining Steve and Lew this week is Cristina Lopez (above), a senior researcher from Media Matters for America. She will try to explain one of the more bizarre stories of this the most bizarre news-story world.  This one involves the tragic murder of Seth Rich, a Democratic party worker, and how with prompting from the […]

In yet another Orwellian move, the White House has named financer and demonstrated master of obfuscation, Anthony Scaramucci, director of communications. Matt Gertz (above), senior fellow at Media Matters for America  will join Steve and Lew to fill us in on how this latest appointment will affect the news flow from the White House. Later, […]

While The Surreal News is a trustworthy source of some news, it is not the only the one on the web and radio to offer unbiased information.  Another good source of news is Politicus USA, whose executive editor and founder Jason  Easley (above) will join Steve and Lew this week to talk about his news […]

Last week at a White House press conference,  a reporter stood up for the First Amendment and the Fourth Estate by challenging White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders assertion that the press was the enemy and only told lies. Brian Karem (above), Washington correspondent for the Montgomery County Sentinel, a daily newspaper based in Rockville, […]

Joining Steve and Lew this week is Washington Associate Editor for The Nation magazine, Zoe Carpenter(above), who recently wrote about the Senate’s so-called  healthcare bill and how it is merely a way to give a huge tax cut to the wealthy at the expense of poor and elderly citizens. Later in the show, we will […]

Stephen Spaulding (above), Chief of Strategy and External Affairs with Common Cause in Washington DC is joining Lew and Bill this week to talk about among other topics, conflicts of interest in the Trump White House, money in politics, voting rights, the Russia probe, and give us all some insight into how the sausage gets […]

Jono Miller (above) longtime local environmental activist and advocate will join Steve and Lew  to talk about environmental issues ranging from the national disgrace of Trump’s withdrawal of the US from the Paris Accord on climate change and cuts to the EPA budget to the state legislature’s failure to honor voters wish to buy more […]

Joining Steve and Lew this week is Dee Hunter (above) who is part of a coalition of civil rights advocates that launched the Voting Rights Project in Georgia, which is an effort to prevent yet another election from being stolen. Hunter will tell us how Republican officials in Georgia are trying to use CrossCheck and other methods […]

Nationally broadcast radio talk show host and author Wilmer Leon, Ph.D.  (above) will join Steve and Lew this week to offer his views on the current political landscape. Dr. Leon will discuss his book Politics: Another Perspective and other topics such as the systemic disenfranchisement of African-American voters. Later Lisa Graybill, Deputy Legal Director of Criminal […]