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Author: Tom Walker

Page: 17

First we’ll hear the latest state news from Jim Saunders of the News Service of Florida. Then our first guests will be Amy Weintraub of Progress Florida and Stephanie Fraim, Amy is the Program Director for the Progress Florida Reproductive Rights Program. Stephanie is President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida.  We’ll talk […]

This Wednesday, June 9 at 9am, after our state news from Jim Saunders of the News Service of Florida, our guest will be Dr. Harriet Moore. Dr. Moore in February was named the first Director of Innovation and Equity for the Sarasota County School District. In her new role, she is facilitating the implementation of […]

This Wednesday, June 2 at 9am, our first guest will be Justin Bloom, founder and board member of Suncoast Waterkeeper. We’ll talk about the recent Piney Point spill and about their upcoming lawsuit to sue the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, HRK Holdings and the Manatee County Port Authority for releasing hundreds of tons of toxic pollutants […]

This Wednesday, May 26 at 9am our first guest will be David Swanson. David is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is executive director of World BEYOND War and campaign coordinator for RootsAction.org. Swanson’s books include War Is A Lie and When the World Outlawed War. He blogs at DavidSwanson.org and WarIsACrime.org. He hosts […]

This Wednesday, May 19 at 9am, our first guest will be Allan Mestel, a photographer who recently spent time with the refugees stranded in Cuidad Juárez across the border from El Paso. He photographed them and listened to their stories. We’ll also talk about the work of Haznos Valer and the San Juan Apostol Shelter for […]

This Wednesday our guest will be Col. Don Christensen (USAF, ret.). Col. Christensen is the President of Protect Our Defenders. Protect Our Defenders (POD) is a national human rights organization dedicated to ending sexual violence, victim retaliation, misogyny, sexual prejudice, and racism in the military and combating a culture that has allowed it to persist. […]

This Wednesday, May 5 at 9am, we had our regular update on Tallahassee from Jim Saunders, the Executive Editor of the News Service of Florida. The Florida legislature has ended its session. See below a summary of some of the legislation that passed and some legislation that did not. Our main guest was Nancy Abudu, Voting […]

After a quick summary by Jim Saunders of this week’s activities in Tallahassee, our guests were Andrea Pinabell, President of Southface Institute and Amber Whittle of Southface Sarasota. Southface Institute is a nonprofit that has been advancing healthy communities, regenerative placemaking and a low-carbon future since 2017. Southface Sarasota is a new collaboration just recently announced. “For […]

This Wednesday, April 21 at 9am, we’ll hear an update from Tallahassee by the News Service of Florida. Then our guest will be Scott Darius, the Executive Director of Florida Voices for Health. Scott will talk about why expanding Medicaid is so important and about the other health issues facing Florida. It is extremely difficult […]

This Wednesday, April 14 at 9am we’ll have the regular News Service of Florida Tallahassee report. After that we’ll talk with Kara Gross of the ACLU of Florida about the bill to criminalize protests, HB 1 recently passed by the House. The Senate companion bill is SB 484. The Senate text is HERE. The ACLU”s press […]