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Author: Tom Walker

Page: 19

This Wednesday, January 27 at 9am, our first guests on Peace and Justice will be Patricia Allen and Marie Keeney from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota’s Social Justice Committee. We’ll talk about Sarasota policing and the reforms advocated on the websites Campaign Zero and #8cantwait. In the second half of the show we’ll talk […]

This Wednesday, January 20th at 9am, our first guest will be Jenna Stevens, State Director of Environment Florida. She’ll talk about their new report A Path to Cleaner Water. “America’s waterways are a national asset. They are the places we swim on hot summer days, kayak with friends and family, spend a relaxing day fishing, […]

This Wednesday, January 13th at 9am, our guest was New College professor Brendan Goff. He talked about his soon to be published  book, Rotary International and the Selling of American Capitalism. It’s a new history showing how the organization reinforced capitalist values and cultural practices at home and tried to remake the world in the […]

This Wednesday January 6 at 9am our guest was Sandra Goldmark, Associate Professor of Professional Practice and Director, Campus Sustainability and Climate Action at Barnard College. She’s the author of the new book Fixation: How to Have Stuff without Breaking the Planet. Her website is FIXUP.  To watch a great twenty-minute video about the problems we talked about watch […]

This Wednesday December 30, at 9am, our guest will be Kathy Kelly, an activist and writer who has helped co-coordinate Voices for Creative Nonviolence. VCNV has done great work over the years, In 2021 they’re moving to a new phase of organizing. Read their final print letter HERE. And here’s a letter Kathy wrote recently about […]

Wednesday, December 23, at 9am our guest was Twyla Carter, National Policy Director at The Bail Project. Missed it? Just go to archive.wslr.org and search for “Peace & Justice.” Their website tells us this: On any given day, nearly half a million people languish in jail cells across America, waiting for their criminal cases to move […]

On Wednesday, December 16, our guest at 9am was Rachel Bronson. Rachel is the President and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the organization that created the Doomsday Clock. If you missed the program, please search for Peace and Justice at archive.wslr.org. The Bulletin is beginning its seventy-fifth year of publication. Click HERE to take a […]

Our first guest at 9am this Wednesday, December 9, at 9am will be Carley Towne. Carley is a Code Pink National Co-Director leading their Divest from War and Defund the Pentagon programs. $2 billion a day. $23 million an hour. $23,000 a second.  That’s how much we spend on our Pentagon budget. You can also see Carley and […]

This Wednesday we’ll welcome back two New College professors who will talk about the current political situation, both here and abroad. Dr. Frank Alcock is an Associate Professor of Political Science at New College where he has taught courses on world politics, international law, and environmental policy since 2003. Dr. Brendan Goff is an Assistant […]

This Wednesday November 25 at 9am we’ll have as our first guest E. Scott Osborne, President of the UN Women Gulf Coast Chapter. Scott will talk about violence against women and girls. November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Click HERE to read a great UN report on the […]