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“There is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead Concert!” Grateful Dead Shoreline Ampitheater, Mountain View, CA June 3, 1995 FOB Schoeps CMC 4 MK 41-> Koch P/S-> Panasonic SV255-> DAT Transfers by Pete Ebel Set 1 – Disc 1: Hell In A Bucket Althea Little Red Rooster Brown-Eyed Women Broken Arrow Stagger Lee Eternity Set 2 […]

I suppose it was only a matter of time before anti-abortion forces mobilized efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade after the Supreme Court was stacked somewhat illegally by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell with judges who are sympathetic to anti-woman causes. During this past legislative season several states have passed bills restricting abortions almost to […]

“There is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead Concert!” Grateful Dead Oakland Coliseum Stadium, Oakland, CA May 27, 1989 “In Concert Against AIDS” Dan Healy’s Master Soundboard Cassette > CDR CD Mastering by Scott Clugston with Clarence Clemons A short while back, one of my correspondents asked if I had ever featured a Dead concert with […]

In recent weeks, the environment has, as they say, won some and lost some. Joining Steve and Lew in studio will be Chris Bales from the Manatee-Sarasota Sierra Club and Sammi Leigh Scott, vice president of the Preserve Payne Park, to explain why the decision by the City Commission to deny a request to build […]

“There is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead Concert!” Grateful Dead Campus Stadium – University of California Santa Barbara, CA May 20, 1973 7″ Master Reels at 7.5ips > Panasonic SV-3700 DAT Thank you to the good doctor for the soundboard. Specials thanks to Noah for the patches. A three-and-a-half-hour monster! Disc 1 – Set 1: […]

There has been something fishy going on in Washington for sometime now and apparently the House just can’t seem to catch the fish or at least locate the smell. Attorney General William Barr, acting more like the personal attorney for the president that the top law enforcement officer of the country, has refused to comply […]

“There is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead Concert!” Grateful Dead Civic Center, Providence, R.I. May 13, 1981 SBD > Master Cassette > Reel > Dat (48k) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller Disc 1 – Set 1: Wang Dang Doodle tease Jack Straw Tennessee Jed > C C Rider Friend Of The Devil Mama […]

The legislature was busy passing a number of bills affecting public education this year, but none gained more attention and should cause more consternation among believers in our Constitution than the expansion of the voucher program in the state. If left as is and not challenged by the courts, the state will use taxpayer dollars […]

“There is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead Concert!” Grateful Dead Frost Amphitheatre, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA May 6, 1989 DSBD This is a very detailed soundboard! Disc 1 – Set 1: Jack Straw Peggy-O Walkin’ Blues They Love Each Other The Race Is On West L.A. Fadeaway Just A Little Light Queen Jane Approximately […]

“There is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead Concert!” Grateful Dead Musikhalle, Hamburg, Germany April 29, 1972 WGER FM Since today, April 29th, is my stint during WSLR’s Spring ‘19 On-Air Membership Drive, I will only be able to feature a few of this date. However, I am stoked that I will be joined in studio […]