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Kate Lowman is on the Steering Committee of STOP, a civic group that aims to increase citizen approval in local government measures in the Sarasota area. She spoke to the Critical Times on their upcoming event on Monday, Feb. 4 at the next City Commission Meeting. e This is a full length interview of a […]

From WSLR 96.5 LP FM, this is the Critical Times. This week, national news about Venezuelan leadership made its way to the state as protests in solidarity with Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro–we speak to ANSWER Suncoast on a rally in Sarasota. STOP! is a civic organization that wants to push for more citizen approval in […]

The Move to Amend Coalition has been working to add an amendment to The Constitution that would overturn the 2010 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United vs Federal Elections Commission that ruled in favor of the plaintiff which essentially bestowed upon corporations the same rights as natural citizens. Keyan Bliss (above) a Grassroots Coordinator for […]

The next installment of the Critical Times airs this Friday at 6:00 PM, with reruns on Monday at 9:30 AM. As a sneak peek, here is a full length interview with Nathan Bruemmer of ALSO Youth on FL. legislation to outlaw LGBTQ discrimination in employment. He discusses its impact locally, and how this piece of […]

Today we had Ryan Stanley talking about an important event coming this Thursday. She writes “The event I’m promoting is called An Evening for Healthy Start. All the proceeds of this super fun event — at Sarasota Architectural Salvage on Thursday at 6:30pm — go directly to The Healthy Start Coalition of Sarasota County. In […]

From WSLR 96.5 LPFM, this is the Critical Times. I’m Giulia Heyward. For the next half hour, we’ll be reporting on local politics and grassroots activism, all happening in your backyard. Hundreds celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at theannual luncheon held at the Robert L. Taylor Center. Attendants marched, music was played and […]

Sarasota turns 100 years old in a year. Cathy Antunes speaks with Dr. Frank Castle on his upcoming book, on the founding of Sarasota. They discuss history and Sarasota’s legacy. Want more of The Detail? Tune in every Saturday at 11 am for more!

“There is NOTHING” like a Grateful Dead Concert!” Still no Grateful Dead “from today in history” that I can broadcast, so we can ease back in with some Jerry and John: Jerry Garcia & John Kahn Capitol Theater, Passaic, N.J. January 31, 1986 Master Audience Cassette: Nak 300s > Sony D5 Taped by Fredo Johnson, […]

Two hours of trucking music.

From WSLR 96.5 LPFM, this is the Critical Times. I’m Giulia Heyward. For the next half hour, we’ll be reporting on local politics and grassroots activism, all happening in your backyard. Hundreds celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at theannual luncheon held at the Robert L. Taylor Center. Attendants marched, music was played and […]