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Wednesday we’ll interview Lynn Nilsson about the new Sarasota solar co-op. New solar co-op launches in Sarasota By Ben Delman on May 23, 2018 Neighbors in Sarasota County have formed a solar co-op to save money and make going solar easier, while building a network of solar supporters The group is seeking members and will […]

Pulitzer-prize winning author Jack E. Davis (above) will discuss his award-winning book The Gulf: The Making of an American Sea  in an interview taped this week. The book is an exhaustive history covering the geological beginnings of the body of water we Floridians all know, from when it once stretched to where modern Illinois is […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead Greek Theatre, University of California, Berkeley, CA May 21, 1982 Soundboard master cassette > DAT > CDR > CDR > EAC > SHN Thanks to Kevin Gills and Mark Perini for making these great soundboards of the 1982 Greek run available. EAC, SHN extraction and […]

Join me Thursday, May 17 from 2-4 pm (that’s 8-10  pm Hamburg time) for my bon voyage show before I head to Europe for the summer. I am dedicating the show to my sweetie , Katharina, who I will meet soon in Germany. So…the theme is songs by and about Kates, Katharinas, etc.  I got […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead Nassau Veterans, ‘ Memorial ColiseumUniondale, N.Y. 5/14/80 Master Soundboard Cassette > Reel to Reel > DAT > CDR CD Mastering by Scott Clugston Portions of May 15-16 have been released as “Grateful Dead Go To Nassau”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_to_Nassau I was probably at 5/14 and /16. Used […]

While much of the media is compulsively focused on the train wreck that is the White House (easy to understand),  Congress is busy causing all kinds of mischief that may be more damaging to Americans in the long term than the latest falsehood uttered on Twitter.  A currently popular method of quietly overturning much of […]

This Wednesday at 9 a.m. our guest in the studio will be Shirley Brown, one of the five members of the School Board of Sarasota County. We’ll talk about school security and charter schools. For more information about education issues in Sarasota and Manatee counties, go to Protect Our Public Schools Manasota (POPS). There is […]

Todays show features music from Merle Festival 2018.  Happy Monday.

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead Allan Kirby Field House, Lafayette College, Easton, PA May 7, 1979 SBD > Cassette Master > Reel > Dat (48k) All Transfers and Mastering by Charlie Miller Thanks to Rob Eaton for the dats(not sure who the taper was). Keith Godchaux’s last concert with The […]

Steve and Lew thank everyone who contributed so generously to The Surreal News and the station in general. It is gratifying to know that the station’s mission of supporting peace, justice, and truth resonates with others. This week,  Judge Charles Williams, a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the Sarasota County Bar Association,  […]