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The Supreme Court is currently in session and hearing arguments in several cases of great importance to us all, not the least which will be a Wisconsin case that may determine whether politically motivated gerrymandering is constitutional. Dan Vicuna, an attorney with Common Cause, who was in the court on the morning of the oral […]

Help us celebrate your community radio station’s continued success by becoming a member during our Fall Fund Drive! Give us a call (or click on the “Donate” button above) and help support our efforts to stay on the air with both the best variety of music and the best public affairs programming available! On today’s […]

It’s that time of year where we spend the week Celebrating Sarasota’s Community Radio brought to the airwaves by YOU!! We are 100% Community funded and listener supported. Please renew your membership  and become a part of the WSLR family today during  “From the Mountains and Beyond” 4-6pm.  Tracy and Annie will bring some great […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” As you probably already know, tonight is my turn participating in this year’s Fall Membership Drive. After starting off with my staple Dead tune, I’m gonna follow up shortly with my semi-staple Jerry Garcia Band tune… Grateful Dead P.N.E. Coliseum, Vancouver, B.C., Canada May 17, 1974 SBD […]

This Wednesday we’ll talk to George Friday.  She’ll  be the Saturday keynote speaker at the Critical Times Conference  starting Friday,  November 3 at Fogartyville. The conference title is Critical Times: Taking Action for  Economic Justice and Democracy. REGISTER HERE. Here’s her summary of what she’ll be talking about: Building a Justice Movement, Ending Oppression, and […]

President Trump’s schoolyard bully approach to foreign policy has opened the possibility of a nuclear shoot out with North Korean and now he wants to scuttle the deal the U.S. and her allies made with Iran not to join the nuclear club. He says we got nothing for our trouble, which is only true if […]

Join us for the beginning of the WSLR FALL MEMBERSHIP DRIVE! We’ll take your calls and also talk to Diane Desenberg about her experience at the People’s Congress of Resistance this September in Washington, D.C. Also tomorrow Gene Jones will talk about the work of the Florida Veterans for Common Sense. Gene writes in his […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead Club Melk Weg , Amsterdam, The Netherlands October 16, 1980 Source: Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (SHN & FLAC > AIFF > Final Cut w/EQ > AIFF CD tracking via Audacity > FLAC16 via xACT) Transferred by Hunter Seamons Here is a […]

Another Friday the Thirteenth.  I never realized how often that occurs before doing this blog, however, it will not be bad luck to tune in this week’s show. First, Margaret Good, (above) one of two Democrats vying for the District 72 House Seat that represents much of Sarasota,  will talk in a taped interview about […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead Warfield Theatre, San Francisco CA October 9, 1980 “The source info given was SBD>R>DAT>CD, but Tiedrich lists a cass gen. The weird thing is the acoustic sounds like it could be from reels with no cass. -very clean, while the electric has a slight touch […]