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Matthew Hoh on the Peace & Justice Report this Wednesday, June 8 at 9am.

Written by on Sunday, June 5, 2022

This Wednesday we’ll talk to Matthew Hoh. He is a senior fellow with the Center for International Policy. He is a 100% disabled Marine combat veteran and, in 2009, he resigned his position with the State Department in Afghanistan in protest of the escalation of the war. He is a candidate with the Green Party to represent North Carolina in the US Senate in 2022.

From his website:

It’s time to declare our independence from the corrupt parties of war and Wall Street that serve the oligarchs. The same parties that created the crises we face today are not going to solve them.

• To solve the democracy crisis, we will end political corruption and build a truly democratic government for the people.

• To solve the climate crisis, we will stop the war on our planet with a real Green New Deal to revive our economy and fight climate meltdown.

• To solve the economic crisis, we will guarantee economic human rights to working class people including a livable wage, a right to housing, debt cancellation, union rights, and healthcare for all.

• To solve the crisis of endless war, we will forge a new foreign policy based on diplomacy, human rights, and respect for international law, and bring the war dollars home for real human needs.

• To solve the crisis of injustice tearing our society apart, we will end rampant police violence, mass incarceration, and abuse of immigrants, and overhaul our broken systems to guarantee justice for all.