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The Shelters of Ciudad Juárez, then Single Member Districts on Peace & Justice, Wednesday May 19 at 9am.

Written by on Sunday, May 16, 2021

This Wednesday, May 19 at 9am, our first guest will be Allan Mestel, a photographer who recently spent time with the refugees stranded in Cuidad Juárez across the border from El Paso. He photographed them and listened to their stories. We’ll also talk about the work of Haznos Valer and the San Juan Apostol Shelter for Migrant women which attends specifically to migrants who are single or expectant mothers.

On the second half of our program, we’ll talk to Kindra Muntz of Sarasota Alliance for Fair Elections about the upcoming meeting this Wednesday of the Sarasota Charter Review Board. The County Commissioners are asking the board to consider placing a charter amendment on the ballot to undo single member districts and return to electing all commissioners county-wide.

Here’s Kindra’s latest email:


WHAT: Charter Review Board meeting—where they will start discussion to overturn Single Member Districts

WHEN: 5:30 PM—to buy a T-shirt ($10) to KEEP SMD—or wear a red t-shirt—and get a speaker card (meeting starts promptly at 6:00)

WHERE: Sarasota County Administration Center, 1660 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34236

WHY: Show up to KEEP SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS for electing County Commissioners


It’s time for people all over the county to stand up for Single Member Districts for electing County Commissioners. 60% of voters of all political parties voted YES to change to single member districts in 2018, to enable principled local candidates to campaign for County Commission, cut the cost of campaigning by 80%, and elect Commissioners who are accountable to all the people in their district, not just the developers, as they serve on the Commission for the good of the county. We elect our State Representatives by single member districts. Sarasota County is so large it includes portions of FIVE state legislative districts: two complete districts (72 and 74) and parts of three others: (70, 71 and 73.) It makes sense to elect County Commissioners by single member districts as well.



  1. Show up on May 19 to KEEP SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS for electing County Commissioners. Just being in the audience will help.
  2. Get a speaker card and speak up (you have up to five minutes at the Open to the Public Session at the beginning of the meeting.)
  3. Email the Charter Review Board members ahead of time to express your thoughts:  (See the list of CRB members and a sample message to send them below😊)
  4. Review the Single Member Districts website: The Case for Reform, Fact Check, and the four short videos in the Media Center to be reminded of why single member districts are so needed.

Remember, your voice is strongest when only you and others in your district elect your Commissioner— not when 80% of voters all over the county can dilute your votes and choose your Commissioner for you. Keep your power. Keep single member districts.


Charter Review Board members: (and the email to send your message to all the County Commissioners as well)
















What to say:  (because they think people don’t know what they voted for in 2018):

“To the Charter Review Board:
I’m happy with Single Member Districts.

I was not confused in 2018.

Perhaps certain elected officials are confused now.
I’ll be paying close attention to your May 19th discussion of Single Member Districts.
Thank you.”


Or maybe:


To the Charter Review Board:

Al Maio said he was waiting for that one person who said they were happy with single member districts.

Please let him know he has to wait no longer!
I am perfectly happy with single member districts.

I knew exactly what I voted for in 2018.

I’m not a bit confused!