This Wednesday, January 12 at 9am, the UU Social Justice Committee on the Peace & Justice Report

Written by on Sunday, January 9, 2022

This Wednesday the Peace & Justice Report we’ll first host members of the Sarasota Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Committee. Patricia Allen will speak about their history, how they advocate for issues and about the various issues they have advocated for since their start in 2019. She’ll also speak to their interest in Newtown. Jessica Traiger will speak about the police department and how she monitors what is happening there.  She’ll comment on progress seen and what they would  like to see in a new police chief.  She’ll also talk about the issue of mental health with regards to policing. Phyliss Prager will speak about education in Sarasota County and about the current concerns with mask mandates and curriculum. Finally, Peg Kane will talk about the issue of single member districts in Sarasota. That vote is coming up March 8!

Our second guest has been on our show before – Roy Eidelson, author of POLITICAL MIND GAMES: How the 1% Manipulate Our Understanding of What’s Happening, What’s Right, and What’s Possible. He’ll give a psychologist’s perspective on issues relevant to the 20th anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo.