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Author: Lew Lorini

Page: 15

Mel Goodman (above), former CIA analyst, author and professor, will join Steve and Lew this week to weigh in on the nomination of Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State. Goodman will clarify whether we need to worry about Tillerson’s ties to Russia and specifically his close “friendship” with Vladimir Putin. Another issue Goodman may touch on […]

Author and historian Mark Weston (above) will join Steve and Lew in the studio this week to offer some insight into the workings of the Electoral College. On December 19, the college will gather to cast their votes as instructed by the voters in their respective states. Typically, this process is a formality, but this […]

Among the many concerns some have cited about the recent election of Donald Trump as President perhaps most incendiary is the prospect of an increase in hate, racism, and white nationalism. Mark Potok (above), a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) will join Steve and Lew this week to detail hate crimes since the […]

Joanne McCall (above) president of the Florida Education Association (FEA), the largest public school teachers union in the state, will join Steve and Lew to respond to Flordia House Speaker Richard Corcoran’s charge that the FEA’s opposition to a voucher-like tax credit program was “evil and disgusting.” The FEA has been denied “standing” by two […]

This week, in a recorded interview Greg Palast (above) will be heard discussing his recent conversation with Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein and her effort to force a recount of the votes cast in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Palast, in his latest movie The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, warned about a tactic called […]

Join Steve and Bill with guest Barbara Zdavecky  CEO of SW and Central Planned Parenthood to discuss the future of Women’s Rights. Also Mel Goodman  Whistleblower and former CIA analyst on the impact on Security of the Trump administration and his new book Whistleblower at the CIA. Also under reported Surreal News items and commentary.

The Surreal News has never (and hopefully never will again) reported and commented as surreal an event as occurred this week. Joining Steve and Lew in the studio will be Sheryl Wilson (above) chairperson of the Manatee Democratic Party to talk about the election, it’s shocking result, and speculate about what it all may mean to […]

With less than a week before Election Day, Steve and Lew welcome Stephanie Costa (above), President of the Sarasota County Young Democrats to the show to talk about the work that group is doing this election cycle and provide some insight into the collective mind of that very important demographic — millineals. Later, Mary Alice […]

Allegra Chapman (above) from Common Cause in Washington D.C. is joining Steve and Lew this week to talk about the rigging of elections. Not the imagined rigging that presidential candidate Donald Trump is alleging, but the real way some elections in this country are rigged by selective disenfranchisement of groups of voters who may not […]

For those who missed economist Richard Wolff’s talk at Forgartyville last week, you are in luck. Professor Wolff (above) is joining Steve and Lew this week to discuss the capitalist system, how it is failing and most important what can and should replace it for the benefit of all. First, former Sen. Bob Graham will […]