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Author: Lew Lorini

Page: 3

Buried under a pile of hurricane updates, debate news, and the President using a Sharpie to justify his latest ( but not last) flight of fantasy was a story that should concern all Americans. Republican Matthew Petersen resigned from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) leaving that regulatory body one short of the quorum. The lack […]

Wage and wealth inequity are perhaps the fundamental issue of our time and no single thing is clearer evidence of it’s impact than the affordable housing crisis. Finding rents that are 30 percent or less of net wages is getting more and more difficult all over the country and in Sarasota. Jon Thaxton (above), life-long […]

The Florida chapter of the NOW is working hard to make Florida the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. Monday there will be demonstrations all over the state including one in Bradenton at Senate President Bill Galvano’s office to perhaps persuade him to support the effort. Joining Steve and Lew will be Kim […]

It seems like just yesterday when the United States and a group of European allies had reached an agreement with Iran for it to postpone (for decades) efforts to develop a nuclear weapon. While preventing another country from acquiring the awesomely terrifying power to vaporize millions in an instant was a notable accomplishment, perhaps the […]

Last week a collection of trolls left their homes under bridges around the country to participate in a so-called “social media summit” at the appropriately, though ironically, named White House. The meeting was purported to be addressing the serious and widespread problem of stifled conservation voices on social media platforms. No representatives of these egregious […]

It is the day after Independence Day and I suppose we should be thankful that we are still free, what with all those tanks rolling down Washington DC thoroughfares. I realize some people view that spectacle as some kind of patriotic power trip, but I just can’t get the picture out of my head of […]

Twenty Democratic candidates for President faced off this week in two televised debates in Miami to begin the process of introducing themselves to the voters. With the convention that will ultimately choose the Democrat who will challenge Donald Trump more than a half-year away, there is a lot of ground to cover from now until […]

We have all heard or read stories about how busy modern teens are these days compared to the “good old days” when playing a sport or being in the band was the extent of extracurricular activities. Teens in Sarasota and Manatee counties have an slightly more unusual option for their free time — they can […]

The Florida state legislature recently completed its annual session passing a number of bills and allocating billions of tax payer dollars to myriad projects. Zac Anderson, (above) political editor of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune whose job it is to chronicle that first draft of history will join Steve and Lew to discuss the changes those actions […]

By the end of this month The Supreme Court is due to rule on the constitutionality of a proposed question for the upcoming 2020 Census asking for citizenship status. Opponents say that the purpose of the Census is not count citizens but needs to get an accurate measure of everyone living in a particular area […]