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Carol Lerner, the leader of Protect Our Public Schools Manasota (POPS Manasota) will join us again on Wednesday. We’ll talk about their event coming up next Tuesday, December 11 at Fogartyville: POPS, Manasota, along with the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Florida and the Peace Education and Action Center, is sponsoring a forum, ‘Community Partnership […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” I was working in a large architectural/engineering firm in the Pan Am Building, with about thirty in architecrture alone. You get used to having conversations with those with whom you’re working on a project, and kind of tune out the rest. I was working with David, the […]

Back to the bi weekly show schedule. Starting with lots of space rockabilly to start(Good job this week Nasa!). Got a couple versions of the classic Peter Gunn for no reason besides I like them. And some school themed songs for a friend that hates school. No XXXmas music yet but it is coming, so […]

From WSlR 96.5 LP-FM, this is the Critical Times. I’m Giulia Heyward and, for the next half hour, we’ll be reporting on local politics and grassroots activism, all happening in your backyard. This week, we are tackling homelessness, as WSLR reporter Isabella Cibelli speaks with local activist, Greg Cruz on Streets of Paradise, a local […]

It will be science Friday on The Surreal News this week with Joe Long (above), a patent attorney with a computer background and avid interest in cutting edge science, joining Steve and Lew to talk about a variety of topics including but not limited to ionic wind drives, the real cyber threat to fair elections, […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead San Antonio Municipal Auditorium, San Antonio, Texas November 26, 1972 Soundboard This is a restored version of SHNID 9248 combined with SHNID 123022 to produce the full show. It is not based on any new sources. Modifications by Dan McDonald A masterful rebuild of a […]

Perhaps the brightest light that shone in the Sunshine State this mid-term election was the passage of Amendment 4 which automatically restores voting rights to former felons who have completed their sentences, a change that potentially affects 1.4 million Floridians. Neil Volz (above right),  a member of the board of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition […]

The Detail with Cathy Antunes featuring a discussion of the Planning Commission Meeting that will determine what exactly is going to be built at Stickney Point and US-41.

The Critical Times with Giulia Heyward. Grassroots politics and local activism. This show includes Sarasota Supervisor of Elections Ron Turner’s discussion of Florida’s election recount, Sarasota County Schools’ welcome of Jeff Maultbsy as their new C.O.O., Dennis Maley’s Manatee News Update, and Top of the News Hour from Surreal News.

First hour is my picks for the Ameripolitan Awards. Just my vote , who did you vote for? Second hour I got know idea what i will be playing. Thinking about a pile of 45’s and seeing what happens.