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New voucher bill on Peace & Justice, this Wednesday, February 22 at 9am!

Written by on Sunday, February 19, 2023

This Wednesday our first guest will be Norin Dollard of the Florida Policy Institute talking about her new analysis of HB 1, and the senate version SB 202, proposed Florida laws which could greatly expand the Florida private education voucher program. She writes:

The Florida House and Senate have both introduced bills that would create a universal private education voucher program (HB 1 and SB 202), broadening eligibility in the current program to include all K-12 students in the state.

Even under conservative estimates, Florida Empowerment Scholarship (FES) vouchers would cost the state about $4 billion in the initial year of HB 1 and SB 202 implementation. This does not include costs for the proposed expansion of the Florida tax credit scholarship vouchers ($568 million in 2021-22).

Our second guest will be Andrew Gothard, President of the United Faculty of Florida. We’ll talk about the impact of Governor DeSantis on higher education in our state and about the situation at New College. Please read his latest excellent article HERE.