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On December 20 at 9am we’ll talk to Cathy Bryant of Streets of Paradise about the work they do feeding and housing the homeless. Then at 9:30 Legal Aid of Manasota will speak to Janella Leibovitz, who oversees their Legal Lifeline for Youth initiative, and Jane Gill Watt, the founder of Impact100 SRQ.

Benderson Development postponed a “community workshop” via Zoom it had originally scheduled for this Thursday, Dec. 21.

Bobby Jones is now a fairway, plus park and wetlands.

Get your ‘well-earned’ ’52 Porsche upstairs so everybody can see it. 

Her 13-year old son was shot in the head. Miraculously, he survived.

Ziegler points out their resolution has ‘no teeth’.

At the same meeting, he gets pushback for a new online program developed with a conservative foundation.

Developer wants to fill block with townhomes, cut grand trees.

But the Sarasota Sheriff’s Office abstains.

This Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 9 am we’ll interview City Commissioner Jen Ahearn-Koch and several other officials about the repeal of the civil cannabis citation program in Sarasota. Then we’ll talk to Dr. Haywood Brown of USF about racial inequities in health and healthcare.