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The Wednesday December 6 show will cover three topics. Sean Sellers, Chair of the Sarasota Climate Justice Coalition talking about the city’s Ready for 100 campaign and the plans for the  Bayfront. To keep up on this topic, go to sbpo.org. Then we’ll air a short YouTube piece on Net Neutrality.Trump’s FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, […]

No Christmas music today.  Well OK, One.  Tracy, back with you today after a couple 4 day Festivals and the Thanksgiving Holiday, what a busy November. It’s December already?  Wrapping up 2017 and Sharing a mix of music new and old taking us back across the Mountain.

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead Felt Forum, New York, N.Y. December 4, 1971 SBD > Master Reel > Apogee AD500 > Dat Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500) > Sound Devices 744T > Samplitude Professional v11.1 > FLAC All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller While one of my favorites is […]

A week ago Richard Cordray, the Obama-appointed director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Elizabeth Warren’s brainchild effort to avoid another economic crash like what happened  in 2008, resigned and appointed his deputy Leandra English. President Trump had other ideas for the direction of the agency and appointed Budget Director Mick Mulvaney as interim […]

On Wednesday, November 29th, we’ll talk to Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK. She’ll talk about Saudi Arabia, the war in Yemen, the health crisis there, and the U.S. involvement in that war. We’ll also talk about how to  divest from the war economy and her new book about Iran. Later in the program we’ll hear […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Jerry Garcia & Merl Saunders Great American Music Hall San Fransisco., CA November 28, 1974 Soundboard Master Reel > PCM > DAT Not your typical Jerry Band. Long jams, either bluesy jazz or jazzy blues… A superb soundboard! Jerry’s voice is a tad background, but the instruments […]

Although the 2018 election season is a ways off, there is no time like the present to get to know the candidates. Ryan Torrens (above), the Democratic candidate for Attorney General for the state of Florida, will join Steve and Lew this week to talk about his campaign and what he plans to do when […]

This Wednesday, November 15, we’ll talk to Victoria Kasdan, Executive Director of We Care Manatee about the free healthcare they offer Manatee County residents. Then we’ll talk to Ruta Jouniari about her health clinic and her organic farming. She’s also a candidate for the Florida State House of Representatives, District 72. (The primary is December […]

“There Is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert!” Grateful Dead Music Hall, Boston, MA November 13, 1978 AUD > MC > DAT > CDR Conversion/Edit/Seeded to Etree by T. Wiley 8/17/2002. Another Installment Of The Music Never Stopped Project! The first concert since the return from Egypt… Disc 1 – Set 1: 1. The Promised […]

David Shapiro (above),  who is challenging Vern Buchanan for his seat in the House of Representatives in the 2018 election, will join Steve and Lew this week to talk about why what he plans to do when he gets to Congress  will be an improvement over the agenda promoted by Buchanan. Later Tom Collina, Director […]