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Author: Tom Walker

Page: 8

This Wednesday at 9am our guest will be Daresha Kyi, director of the film Mama Bears. Mama Bears is a feature-length documentary that explores the many ways in which the lives of conservative, Christian mothers are impacted and utterly transformed when they decide to affirm and advocate on behalf of their LGBTQ children. As members of a […]

This Wednesday at 9am our first guest on Peace & Justice will be Scott Osborne, President of Through Women’s Eyes. We’ll talk about the TWE Film Festival starting this Thursday and running through next Monday. There will be a screening of Four Short Films and an awards ceremony at Fogartyville, Saturday, March 11, from 1-4 p.m. On […]

This Wednesday we’ll talk to Anders Croy, the head of DeSantis Watch, a new web initiative from Florida Watch and  Progress Florida. DeSantis Watch is “dedicated to shining a spotlight on the Governor’s failures of leadership that make all of us less free. Together, we are building a grassroots movement to hold Governor DeSantis accountable and ensure […]

This Wednesday our first guest will be Norin Dollard of the Florida Policy Institute talking about her new analysis of HB 1, and the senate version SB 202, proposed Florida laws which could greatly expand the Florida private education voucher program. She writes: The Florida House and Senate have both introduced bills that would create a […]

This Wednesday our guest will be John Noltner, creator of A Peace of My MInd,  a multimedia arts project that uses portraits and personal stories to bridge divides and encourage dialogue around important issues. “Through exhibits, workshops, lectures, on-site studios, and distance learning, A Peace of My Mind leads transformative experiences that help a polarized world […]

This Wednesday, February 8 at 9am, we’ll talk about Ukraine and Russia. Our guests will be former Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch and Russian expert Dr. Angela Stent. They will have just appeared at the Sarasota World Affairs Council event at New College the previous evening, February 7 at 6:30 pm at the Marie Seiner Pavillion. Ambassador Yovanovitch’s […]

Tomorrow our first guest will be Doug Rawlings, President of the Maine chapter of Veterans for Peace. Then we’ll talk to music teacher Carlos Silva about BookerFest, a celebration of Sarasota’s Booker schools, coming up this Saturday, February 4, from 4-8pm.

This week we’ll hear Florida news from Jim Saunders of the News Service of Florida. Then we’ll talk to Dawn Sakes of More Too Life about the group’s efforts to stop human trafficking. Finally, we’ll talk to WSLR’s Music of the World host, Marco Ciceron.

Our guest this week is Dr. Jeffrey R. Orenstein, an author and political scientist. We’ll talk about his 2020 book Saving American Democracy: How We the People Can Be Truly Represented in Our Own Government  We’ll also talk about his new organization promoting civic literacy, First Responders for Democracy. At 9:30 we’ll hear from the good people at Legal […]

This Wednesday we’ll interview Dr. Laila Abdullah of the Roskamp Institute about her research into Gulf War Illness. GWI is a multi-symptom disorder affecting one fourth of military veterans of the First Persian Gulf War (1990-91). GWI veterans have an extended spectrum of complaints including fatigue, cognitive impairments, diffuse musculoskeletal pain, gastrointestinal dysfunction and sleep abnormalities. […]