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Author: Juan Montenegro

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Abelardo, Richie, Bobby, Pupi, Puerto Rico All Stars and more in the next Latin Explosion! 7-9AM Eastern, Friday January 21 wslr.org NEW! You can listen to LATIN EXPLOSION at different times and days on about a dozen Pacifica radio affiliates around the U.S. that now carry the show. Stream this program anytime until February 3. […]

Lazaro Ros is a singer, but more than that, an Akpuon lead singer. The choral response, or Ankori, is done by all present. Melodies and words of ancient origin sung in an archaic form of Yoruban. “CANTOS”, Lazaro Ros con Mezla (1992) is the CD we are featuring this Friday, January 7. The Interview is […]

TITO PUENTE on the December 31 LATIN EXPLOSION! Finish your 2021 with THE KING! We are taking a dive into the 1950’s to the 1970’s, TP’s RCA Victor and Tico years. Joe Conzo, author of TP’s bio MAMBO DIABLO is The Interview. We talk with Joe about the new movies “Being The Ricardos”, and “West […]

FELIZ NAVIDAD dear listeners! Catch our Holiday special, this December 24, 7-9AM Eastern on wslr.org! Stream it anytime before January 6 when it goes away forever! Thanks to the team at WSLR 96.5FM in Sarasota, where LE is produced. We appreciate the warm environment. And “THANK YOU” to the Pacifica radio network affiliates around the […]

“Early Eddie” is what’s up this Friday December 10! Band leader Eddie Palmieri in the 1960’s and 1970’s! The albums you are going to hear are on the Alegre, Roulette and Tico labels. From Miami, singer Carlos Oliva, “El Alcalde de la Calle Ocho”! UPDATE: I spoke with Carlos Oliva today. He tells me that […]

To Brazil and Africa and then to Havana and Sarasota (Floricuba) on the November 12 LATIN EXPLOSION! Herbie, Sergio, Maraca and Sammy it is! Don’t miss SAMMY FIGUEROA on THE INTERVIEW. New Yorker Sammy Figueroa performs with his band Monday November 22 in Sarasota. Jazz Club of Sarasota is presenting! LATIN EXPLOSION, Friday, 7-9am WSLR […]

Arturo O’Farrill is The Interview October 15! Arturo is the accomplished pianist, arranger and band leader who continues to cultivate the legacy of his father Chico. More at arturoofarrill.com, afrolatinjazz.org, zohomusic.com bluenote.com Plus Johnny Pacheco, and Irakere as we pick up from what we started the last time. Tune in on the net at wslr.org. […]

On the next LATIN EXPLOSION: Irakere, Johnny Pacheco y su Tumbao, Kako Totico y El Trabuco, Haciendo Punto en Otro Son, and Roberto Roena (RIP) y su Apollo Sound. We lost RR on September 23. LATIN EXPLOSION, Friday October 8, 7-9AM Eastern, wslr.org, or WSLR 96.5FM in Sarasota! Juan Montenegro, host “Agarrate de la Brocha”

John “Dandy” Rodriguez is The Interview Friday October 1! “Dandy” started with Tito Puente while he was still in his teens, then it was on to Ray Barretto, he was a founding member of Tipica 73, and after that it was back to Mr. TP for a couple of more decades! John has lived in […]

Franferrer, El Gran Combo, Jerry Gonzalez (RIP), Grupo Folklorico, Mambo Legends and more on the 9/24 LATIN EXPLOSION!!! Tune in, turn on! https://archive.wslr.org/ WSLR 96.5FM in Sarasota. Congratulations to John Weber in Billingham, Washington! Winner of the “CARACAS” CD by Bochinche! It’s in the mail! John Weber heard all about it on KUGS 89.3 FM, […]